James Westby spent 20 days shooting Rid Of Me.
Then, into the cutting room.
Two years later he and his leading lady Katie O’Grady took the Tribecca Film Festival by storm with their comedy of a milquetoast who finally unleashes the power of her sexuality. Rid Of Me stars O’Grady, with support from (wonderful) Orianna Herrman, Storm Large, Art Alexakis, and Teresa Russell.
How do you fund an entirely independent romantic comedy? Here’s one of the ways James Westby did it.
http://www.vimeo.com/21868504James Westby tapped a wealth of producing talent for Rid Of Me — congratulations to all five of them – Kristin Coleman, Katie O’Grady, Robin Schiff-Coste, Raija Talus, and Westby himself – for creating a film which at least one Hollywood insider sees marked for multiple Oscar nominations.
Rid Of Me opens in theaters November 18, 2011.
I hereby claim Rid Of Me as an Oregon film, based on every qualification you can think of.
Yes, that’s Sallie “Force Of Nature” Ford on the soundtrack!
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