How’s this for indie credentials?
Property was a prizewinner at the very first Sundance Festival, in 1978. At that time it was called the US Film Festival.
Property marks the cinematic debut not just of Penny Allen, the writer-director-producer, but of Eric Edwards, her cinematographer; Gus Van Sant, her sound man; and Corky Hubbert, one of her leading men. Walt Curtis appears as himself, and Henk Pander was the art director.
Corky went to Hollywood after making Property.
Henk Pander and Walt Curtis stayed in Portland, and in a sense Gus Vant Sant and Eric Edwards did too, although their A list careers take them all over the world.
You can read more about Property and Penny Allen’s most recent film, the prizewinning The Soldier’s Tale, on her website.
I hereby claim Property as an Oregon film on the basis of just about any criteria you can think of.
2 responses so far ↓
1 Rockaday Richie and the Queen of the Hop, aka Stark Raving Mad (1974) | Oregon Movies, A to Z // Feb 4, 2012 at 3:07 pm
[...] Allen made Property in 1978, and Paydirt in [...]
2 Penny Allen Introduces Late For My Mother’s Funeral (2013) @ Whitsell Auditorium, Dec. 16, 2013/7:00 PM | Oregon Movies, A to Z // Dec 8, 2013 at 11:59 pm
[...] Allen made her first feature film, Property (1977), in Portland’s Lair Hill neighborhood on a CETA grant. She made her third feature [...]
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