Mike Francis at the Oregonian drew attention today to the fact that Misha Pemble-Belkin, from Hillsboro, appears as one of the key figures in Sebastian Junger’s and Timothy Heatherington’s war documentary, Restrepo.
From Francis’ Op Ed column:
Pemble-Belkin and his friends never sought the spotlight, but he’s glad that “Restrepo” was made. “It’s not just telling our story,” says the now-24-year-old. “It’s telling the story of about everybody who’s been deployed.”
Pemble-Belkin, home from the tour of duty in Afghanistan’s Korengal Valley, expects to be deployed to Afghanistan again.
I hereby claim Restrepo as an Oregon film, on the basis of the Oregon citizenship of Misha Pemble-Belkin, one of the soldiers profiled in the doc.
Thanks, and tip of the hat to Mike Francis.
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